Floral cupcake bouquet


Because cupcakes in a box are so 2019! Ditch the flowers & send a stunning edible bouquet of beautifully hand-piped floral cupcakes, in a delicious chocolate & vanilla mix. We know; we can't stop staring either. Leave your special message below, & we'll add a tag to the ribbon for you. Decorations may vary slightly from the picture. This product is deliverable in Gauteng only.

Select your order date at checkout. For next-day orders an additional charge of R100 will apply. Deliveries are any time between 9am & 6pm. Exact delivery times cannot be booked, so when in doubt, order for the day before 🙂

Fill in the form below & one of our friendly sales consultants will contact you to explore the art of what’s possible! *Level of customisation may vary depending on product & lead time.

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The anatomy of our cupcakes.

All of our delicious cupcakes are topped with a luscious buttercream, & some of them have a filling in the centre of the sponge too, for a surprise burst of flavour. Check out the individual cupcake descriptions for more info!

Keep them fresh fresh!

Our cupcakes are best enjoyed on the day of purchase. We do not recommend refrigerating our cupcakes (they get cold & dry, shame). If you have leftovers, keep them in a sealed container at room temperature for up to 3 days. Our cupcakes are freezer-friendly! Freeze them on the day of purchase for maximum freshness.